Enameling On Steel by Dave Berfield:
Instruction, Tools, Techniques and Tips after 35 years of work
The process of enamel on steel is weather durable, scalable and long-lasting. Porcelain Enamel on Steel has lost out to far less durable methods and the knowledge is in jeopardy of becoming lost. You can successfully enamel jewelry sized pieces as well, but Dave takes you to the realms of permanent: Photographic Presentations, Gallery Art, Trays and Boxes and transforming other art media presentations into more permanent and larger formats. Berfield shares his discoveries into the most cost effective processes for small studios, best materials for successful enameling on steel, and his favorite creative design techniques.

Belfield’s four disk set (6.9 hours) includes chapters on:
Transferring Art Work
Using Friskets
Choosing the Steel, Screens, and Enamels
Making Finish Coats and Overglaze Enamels
Using a Spray Gun and Spraying
Design Techniques such as Applying Digital Decals
Painting Techniques
Using Magnetic Sheeting
Slip Trailing
Spray and Brush
Recycling Waste
And sooo much more!
Information you cannot get anywhere else.
Dave Berfield has a background in art and art education, and studied ceramicsat the University of Hawaii where he received an MFA. In Seattle, he learned enameling techniques and over 35 years, collaborated with many artists, including painter Jacob Lawrence, on large-scale public murals, fixing enamel images to steel. His company was called The Porcelain Company. The Lawrence enamels in Seattle’s Kingdome were Berfield’s work and were moved to the Seattle Convention Center when the Kingdome came down. More recently he built a prototype mural with artist Ellen Forney, painted with porcelain enamel on steel, for the Sound Transit Capitol Hill Station which opened in March, 2016.